‘Tis the season to be jolly!

Are you feeling jolly? This time of year can be a little twisted….emotionally speaking. There are charities to work, gifts to buy, parties to go to, baking to be done, money to be budgeted, relationships that are rocky and need to be mended, etc… The list for all that is racing around in our mind is a never ending cycle of to do’s, to wants and to wishes.

I say STOP and simplify.

First, breathe. Then take a moment to list all that you are thankful for. This includes those moments and experiences that you aren’t really thankful for, too. Those are the ones that keep you from feeling jolly. To turn this around, rest in that moment and show gratitude for your trial… and all that you learn from it. Then watch out…this gratitude process creates a different dynamic between you and the source of your trial/tribulation.

Next, simplify where you can. Make a list of all that you “need/want” to do this holiday season. Categorize each item A-1 to A-3. Eliminate or change up A-3’s. For example, instead of baking 10 different items to give away as gifts, choose your favorite 5 recipes and double the batch.

Pick and choose what is MOST important to you and your family; the most nourishing and the ones that solidify the reason for the season.

The FUN thing about the 2 steps to simplify is that they completely change your physiology. You will go from a stressed state (burning muscle) to a relaxed state (burning fat), just by slowing down, breathing, showing gratitude for EVERYTHING in your life and cutting out what you don’t need. When we do not feel at a disadvantage or threatened, our body complies and returns to a state of healing, repair, ENERGY, and full digestive power.

Woo! To burn FAT during the holidays is a big plus! To feel energy during the holidays is a BIG plus, to digest all the wonderful goodies during the holidays is a BIG plus!

So why not stop and simplify? What have you got to lose?


Warning…you will be extra JOLLY though! So enjoy!


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