Going from packaged foods to eating foods in their whole state looks daunting at first. But once you get it down, it is easier than expected. View it as an experiment and do not hesitate to try new combinations. Below are a few suggestions on how I put my meals together. I do go on line and get recipes for sauces and combinations. I usually search Google for what I am wanting and choose from the choices it brings up.
- Build your meal plan for the whole week
- Be prepared: prepare foods a head of time and store in air tight containers in the refrigerator or freezer, for example: cook meats and vegetables like butternut, spaghetti, acorn squashes and sweet potatoes on a Sunday and then you will have access to easily prepared dishes throughout the week
- Prep and wash all veggies and store in the green bags so they stay fresh all week
How to organize meal planning?
Focus on eating 1 main meal – 1-2 snacks – 2 mini meals.
Main Meal – 1 protein, 2 veggies and 1 essential fat (and 1 grain if early in the day)
Mini Meal – protein (1/2 to 1 portion) and 1 veggie and 1 essential fat
Snack – 1 serving of fruit or veggie/ nuts/seeds
I recommend that each meal consist of a lean protein and essential fat (olive oil or olives, avocado, fresh coconut or coconut oil, nuts seeds…etc..
Curious about Serving sizes?
Fats – the size of your thumb
Protein and grain – the size of your fist
Veggie and fruit – the size of your hand
Get the most out of your meals; eat with the circadian rhythm of the sun
- The body wakes up with the sun. From sunrise to 2:00 pm your body needs fuel for the day. The largest meal is eaten at midday when sun is highest in the sky.
- From 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm –drink water and take a small break to center yourself by participating in a Bio~Balance Mindful Breathing Meditation. The body slows down during the middle of the afternoon, and eating during this time tends to cause a bloated feeling. You will feel more energy and vitality by responding to the body’s needs with breath, water and time.
- 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm. small snack and/or light dinner
- Eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The body needs an empty stomach when slowing down for sleep. This is a time for the body to heal and repair; if the stomach is full the body will have to digest (at a slower rate) before this process can take place. Therefore, upon waking you will feel sluggish and tired.
- Note that the majority of your caloric intake is eaten early in the day.