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Emotional Resolution [EmRes©] is the icing on the cake in my coaching practice. It helps my clients (and myself) to release, resolve and let go of past experiences that “haunt” the present and limit/sabotage efforts to move forward and continue to elevate.

How would you LOVE to think about a stressful situation and it NOT affect you…physically, emotionally, mentally..? Not one i-o-da?!?! This is what emotional resolution can do for you.
How about the trigger that sends you to the pantry late at night for some nighttime comfort eating? That could be about willpower….but what if it isn’t?
How would you love to be FREE of PROCRASTINATION? This is a block, a pattern….it does not have to own you.
How about the trigger that has you doing the freak-out dance over “spilled milk”? This is not YOU, this is a pattern.
What if you could be FREE of limiting patterns and behaviors that keep you STUCK and, on the stress,-filled roller coaster?
Emotional Resolution [EmRes©] is a natural, safe, and proven process of integrating the body’s innate ability to permanently resolve stressful emotions, unhealthy behavior patterns, and physical symptoms triggered by life.
In this 2 part class, participants will learn:
why they still REACT to situations that happened years ago.
how they can eliminate current stressors that hold them back.
why coping mechanisms, like deep breathing, don’t resolve the emotional stressor for good.
how to access their natural capacity to resolve any emotion, in the moment.
Instead of accepting stressful emotions such as (anxiety, fear, anger, shame, procrastination, self-doubt, avoidance…) as an inevitable part of life, learn the tools to support your emotional well-being.
This training is about demystifying emotions and teaching you how to resolve your disruptive, painful, or blocking emotions on your own.
You will understand how the brain constructs emotional difficulties and how it can permanently release them… in a few seconds.
This complete training will impart participants with the concrete knowledge to permanently resolve emotional difficulties autonomously.
We will make it interactive and fun!

Join me for a 2 day training session on May 16 and 20, 2022 at 1:00 pm CT each day.
This 2-part EmRes Training is normally $397.
Attend now for ONLY $197!!!