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You are successfully registered for the
Emotional Resolution Masterclass with Ashly Torian!

Your ticket to the Emotional Resolution Masterclass 2022 is secured. A seat has your name on it! Take a moment right now and block off the time on your calendar:
Monday, May 16 @ 1:00 pm CT
Friday, May 20 @ 1:00 pm CT
We will meet in this ZOOM ROOM:
I am so THRILLED you are registered and ready to release those emotions that continue to trip you up!
The information and techniques I show you will impact your emotional and physical health in a powerful way. Emotional Resolution (EmRes) is a natural, safe, and proven process of integrating the body’s innate ability to permanently resolve stressful emotions, unhealthy behavior patterns, and physical symptoms triggered by life.
You may be going through something right now that has you feeling frustrated, discombobulated, and quite frankly, out of sorts.
Is your physical body hurting, are your emotions on a roller coaster, moody? These are all signs that you’ve got issues stored in your tissues! These are FEAR-based emotions that when left unresolved they “poison” the attitude.
AND that attitude is the one that creates your life. YIKES!
This is why you are here, RIGHT? So, let’s get rockin’! Once you begin applying this amazing tool you will feel immediate relief.
Are you ready for some RELIEF?
Next thing… Share the link to register with your friends. Let’s share the LOVE with those we LOVE.

See you at 1:00 pm CT on both Monday, May 16 and Friday, May 20.
Here is the link to join again:
See you soon!
Hugs & Love!